Kampf and Truax receive Pride award for December

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of December.

Carole KampfCarole Kampf, senior accountant

“Carole is an exceptional employee that exemplifies the true Auggie Spirit. Carole works in the Administrative Accounting Office as a Senior Accountant and has been here for 7 years. Carole shows a continuous commitment to Augsburg with an exceptional execution of her position while supporting Augsburg’s Students, Staff, Faculty and vision. Carole is exceptionally caring when serving our students and always creates a welcoming environment.

Carole is able to work under difficult, high-pressure situations and still attain excellent results. In addition to her own duties, Carole is always willing to assist co-workers without a complaint, showing a level of dedication above and beyond the scope of her job, and continues to exhibit motivation, dedication, trustworthiness, talent and self-discipline when dealing with the Augsburg Community.

Martha Truax, director of annual giving

Nomination: “Martha headed up the Give to the Max Day campaign. She has worked tirelessly on this project collaborating with more than 20 different departments to help Augsburg raise funds, be recognized, and share the Augsburg story with a vast audience.  Martha is constantly encouraging people and working above and beyond toward the success of Augsburg. She has designed weekly calls for tips and check-ins with others on how their project is coming along. She is creative, always thinking in new ways and encourages others to do the same. Martha is committed to the mission and vision of Augsburg. She is a true example of service and leadership on campus.”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email staffsenate@augsburg.ac.